Monday, June 12, 2006

I was woken up today earthquake. It was "quite strong" according to Saki's careful evaluation and only lasted about 10 seconds but I was terrified. When I got to work this morning I asked my teacher if she had felt the tremors and she casually tutted a yes and rolled her eyes in a "oh wasn't it annoying that is happened at 5 in the morning" kind of way. I replied in a "actually I was a little on the scared side seeing as it was the first earthquake I'd ever felt" kind of way. She then, this time not so casually, piped up with, "what?! since you were born?"I tried to explain that, coming from the Thames Valley, I was not really accustomed to the earth pulsating. I got the impression she thought I was lying and promptly ended our conversation with "well, if Japan sinks, I'll move to England." Well that's bloody fantastic I thought. Not only is Japan shaking, it's now sinking...


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